Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Tips For Choosing Barboursville WV Real Estate Agents

By Karen Butler

Whether you are buying or selling property, you will, one way or the other, require the services of a competent realtor. This is the trickiest part in this industry. While there are so many realtors, only a few of them are honest and can be trusted to help you get the right deal. Before you choose a Barboursville WV real estate agent, you ought to know the red flags to avoid.

You need to be wary of agents that want to suggest the highest price for your property. If you are selling your house for instance, it is best for you to get listing presentations from not less than three agents. Make sure the agents tell you the comparable houses they have sold and how long it took them to sell. Since they will all be looking at the same data, the listing prices should be close.

When you price your property too high from the onset, it means it will take longer to sell. Naturally, buyers will want to avoid purchasing your home, and opt for what is less expensive. At the end of the day, you may end up selling the same property for less. Instead of waiting for too long to reduce the price, it is best to be realistic with your prices.

The other thing you may want to avoid is working with part time agents. It means they are not actively engaged with the everyday market. Therefore, there are very high chances they will delay your deal, or not get you the right buyer or seller. Say you are buying a home. A reliable agent will always want to get their hands on new listings each time they come.

You should not mix relations with business. Most people think that because their relative is an agent, they may help them get a good deal. That should be a recipe for disaster. Such agents will not do a good job like another one would have done. In fact, they are likely to derail your transaction, which can build a lot of resentment.

Do not choose an agent without giving thought to their location. You need to know that every neighborhood has unique dynamics when it comes to the real estate industry. If one does not understand those dynamics, they may not get you a perfect match for what you are looking for. For the most part, real estate is more of a local business.

Getting recommendations from trusted people such as friends and relatives is a good rule of thumb. Get to know agents that are making the highest buys and sales in your neighborhood. Online reviews can also help to put you into perspective with the best agents in the market. However, you should solely rely on reviews since most people do not care to write reviews after the transaction is done.

Many of the agents in the real estate industry work independently and depend on commissions from the number of homes they sell. Do not hesitate to ask them the number of listings they have. You may also want to know the number of homes they have sold in your neighborhood.

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